Meet   Founder and Director Isaac Romano

What parents and professions say about Insight Parenting and Isaac Romano



•    "Isaac Romano is one of those phenomenal and transformational community leaders in the 21st century who is really activating a difference in the world through his work.  Mr. Romano is one of those experienced teachers who has correctly achieved the title of "expert" in the field of parenting education ...  My wife and I took a workshop and parenting course from Isaac Romano in Nelson in 2003.  We have followed his work since then and continue to be amazed by his wisdom, charity and positive influence he has on our parenting, communication skills and conflict resolution skills.  We are eternally indebted to Mr. Romano for the great influence he has had on helping us give the best happiest life for our child."
- Quote by a parent that attended ongoing parenting courses and support groups and
mentoring consultations over a one year period with Isaac Romano

•    "Isaac Romano has a feeling for the developmental and emotional needs of young children and their parents and other caretakers that I have only seen matched by Fred Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighborhood), with whom I have worked as a consultant for twenty three years."

- Dr. Michael Rothenberg, former director of psychiatry at Children's Hospital in Seattle and nationally known child and family advocate, who co-authored the 5th and 6th edition of Dr. Spock's Baby and Childcare book.

•    “Since the time he was eleven months, Kier (now four years old) had been biting, hitting, hair pulling, kicking, pinching scratching and knocking over other children (even larger ones).  
By using particular play methods and thoughtfully interrupting inappropriate behaviour, Isaac Romano was able to effect dramatic changes in Keir in less than two months.  He became relaxed, playful and focused.  The biting, etc, stopped without any punishment, or reprimands or time-outs. The aggressive behaviours stopped totally.  Isaac also worked with us, so we could be consistent with his methods.”

- Parent of a four year old son

•    “In my work, as a Head Start Education Coordinator, I supervise teachers of preschool children.  Since I have known Isaac, my ability to be an effective coach for teachers working with anxious or angry children has grown enormously.  He taught me how beneficial it is to help young children feel the feelings they have, so that they can “let go” and “move on.”  I saw my child change and I saw other children transform.”
- Parent and Head Start consultant

•    "So many parents today struggle with difficult child behavior and child development questions.  Isaac Romano's vast real-world experience in working directly with children and parents of difficult children has given him the expertise to provide the answers.  And he has the skills and knowledge to help parents transform their difficult children into more cooperative and happy kids."
- Parent who attended Isaac Romano's parent support group and later became a parenting and family consultant, based on Isaac Romano's model of Attachment-styled Parenting