Meet Isaac Romano, Founder and Director of Insight Parenting

Meet   Founder and Director Isaac Romano



Isaac Romano is a Canadian Landed Immigrant from the U.S.

Degrees and Diplomas

Ph.D (ABD All but dissertation & program summary) Developmental Psychology/Child Psychology, Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, Ohio.  Key Areas and Fields of Study:  Child Development and Theory and Related Neurosciences, and Attachment Styled, Non-Punitive-Democratic Parenting. (1996-2003)

M.Sc in Education, Early Childhood Leadership Program, Early Childhood Education and Administration.  Bank Street College of Education, Manhattan, NY. USA.  (1991)

Bachelor of Music in Education, (emphasis: voice and choral directing), University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA. USA (1971)


*Open classroom and mixed age curriculum, family and parent support.  This advance Bank Street College of Education, Early Childhood Leadership Program Masters Degree, also provides an administration credential from early childhood through 12th grade (1989-1991).

*Certification with the Aware Parenting Institute (1994-2010), an international attachment parenting organization,

*Training National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), USA and Canada (1993-ongoing).  Trained in and co-facilitated diversity/prejudice reduction day-long workshops and three day leadership seminars.  Facilitated in multi-racial teams with the Seattle Chapter of NCBI (1993).

*Bachelor of Music in Education from the University of Puget Sound (1971), Tacoma, Washington, USA (Emphasis Choral Directing and Voice).  


*2011 to Current – Consultant under contract – Centre for Response Based Practice. Teaming with internationally renowned therapists and trainers, Dr. Allan Wade, Assistant Professor, Dr. Catherine Richardson and Associate Professor, Dr. Jeannine Carriere, preparing a 95 page recommendation for a high profile aboriginal child adoption case in British Columbia, Centre For Response Based Practice, under contract with the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development. 

*2011 to Current – Consultant under contract with Dr. Catherine Richardson – Preparing a report on behalf of a Central American Refugee, his Aboriginal Common Law partner and their infant child to include as “Humanitarian and Compassion Stay”:  Appeal to Immigration Canada, regarding our client’s Deportation Order.

*2000 to current - Founder and Director of Insight Parenting and Child Care Support Services. Headquarters location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Parenting Consultant, Workshop Presenter and Parent Mentor. Child Care Consultant and Workshop Presenter for Center Based and Home Based-Family Child Care Programs.

*2009 to 2011 – Senior Faculty, Child Brain Heath, Incorporated and the Parent Learning Club (  Isaac Romano, is Senior Editor of the 4th Edition of the Happy Child Guide (  Isaac provides Parent Coaching Consultations for parents world-wide and writes numerous articles for the Parent Learning Club.  His international phone Parent Coaching Consultation program and his articles can be viewed at:

*East Kootenay Supported Child Care Sponsors A Day-Long Workshop, with 89 caregivers and support staff in attendance.. (3/29/2003) Heritage Hotel, Cranbrook, BC, Canada. Workshop title: "Reviewing the Neuroscience/Brain Research And How That Influences How We Work With Children In Our Programs Who Exhibit Challenging Behaviours."

*Workshop presenter, workshop title: "Reviewing the Neuroscience/Brain Research And How That Influences How We Work With Children In Our Programs Who Exhibit Challenging Behaviours." This popular workshop was attended by 89 parents and child care providers.President Jimmy Carter's The Carter Collaboration Center/The Atlantic Project, (May 1999), Atlanta, GA.

*Workshop presenter. Workshop title: "Reviewing the Neuroscience/Brain Research And How That Influences How We Work With Children In Our Programs Who Exhibit Challenging Behaviours."22nd Annual Save the Children Nat'l. Family Child Care Conference(May 1999), Atlanta, GA.

*Workshop presenter. Workshop title: "Reviewing the Neuroscience/Brain Research And How That Influences How We Work With Children In Our Programs Who Exhibit Challenging Behaviours."21st Annual Save the Children Nat'l. Family Child Care Conference, Atlanta, GA.

*Workshop presenter. Workshop title: "Working With Children Who Exhibit Challenging Behaviours."  National Association for the Education of Young Children, National Conference in Toronto, Canada (1999). 200 workshop participants in attendance.

*One of three US national leaders on a three-person seminar panel on "Critical Trends and Issues in the Family Child Care Setting." 16th Annual Save the Children Nat'l. Family Child Care Conference, Atlanta, GA (1998).

*"A Day With Internationally Renowned Infant Specialist, (Hungarian trained) Magda Gerber."  Isaac Romano was host and primary sponsor bringing Magda Gerber to Seattle for two consecutive day-long workshops (summers of 1994 & 1995).  Ms. Gerber is founder and director of Resources For Infant Educarers (Los Angeles, CA) and has provided the infant development training programs for Waldorf Education in the Western US (Sacramento Waldorf Training Center).

*Broadview Homeless Shelter, Seattle, WA. Consultant/Parent Educator. When the shelter's parent-support project that hired Isaac was evaluated, shelter parents commented that Isaac's work with them was the most important part of their shelter stay (1994).

*17 years owning and operating attachment based child care programs in Seattle, Washington. Most notably, The Toddler Development Center of Seattle, 1989-1996, while completing Masters Degree studies and until beginning his Ph. D. Program.  The Toddler Development Center of Seattle was a mixed-aged small group-care setting for children from 18 months to six years of age.          


* Isaac Romano leads "Building Community/Welcoming Diversity and Anti-Bullying Workshops,” a prejudice reduction training model of the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) ( (  Trained and with the Seattle Chapter of NCBI, from its inception in 1993. NCBI is the “Diversity Training model of choice” on over sixty university and college campuses.  Isaac Romano has facilitated NCBI community based workshops in Seattle, Atlanta, Washington, DC, Vancouver, BC, Castelgar, BC, and Waterville, Quebec.  Isaac has assisted in leading the three-day NCBI “Training the Trainers” Leadership Seminars at Seattle University and University of Montana at Missoula, leading these campuses to have, campus-based affiliations with NCBI that exist to this day.